SoulScape Wellness
Life Wellness Guidance
Answer the calling of your soul's longing

Compassion Coaching

Usui Reiki
Offerings open for individual, hands on Usui Reiki. Heal energetic blockages and soothe physical pain. Reclaim your spiritual power.
A mindful experience that allows people to enhance their inner dialogue and consciously choose their way of being

Embodiment Sessions
A movement experience to witness the way you interact with your being. Give yourself permission to trust yourself and become aware of psycho-somatic patterns

Purpose and Inspiration

I am a facilitator of love, peace, and presence. There is an expression I have heard many times, that diamonds are formed under pressure. The pressures of life have molded me time and time again to soften, smooth out, be still, and shine bright. I am grateful for the grace and humility I get to learn from my life’s hurdles. My mantra goes like this these days, “Thank you life. I trust you!”
I like yourself, have been a participant of a diverse range of weather conditions. Interfacing with the terrain at times has left me in deep inquiry around my purpose, capacity, and faith with being here and how to really do this thing, called life.
We all get opportunities (word choice) to interface with Life’s wild offerings, those which push us to evolve and expand regardless if we are already or not. I whole heartedly believe we have the power to manifest and create our very best life. We must get up and keep going to discover our divine birth right and our potential. We are capable of incredible things, we have to go to know! No mud, no lotus!
Learning to walk hand in hand with fear while walking towards the light with love and trust is my favorite way to do this these days- release
resistance, and accept, embrace, and choose to lean in to the ‘now’ of life. What we believe matters, and I believe in helping people reimagine a heightened sense of self and identity that embodies the Queen and King that we all are! I stand for my freedom, so I stand for your freedom. I stand for you to answer the callings of your souls longing. I am committed to standing for and supporting individuals in their quest for celebrating their soulful gifts and unique talents. I believe that every being in this world is deserving of living an authentic, genuine, and purposeful life. I am
lit up about helping you tune into your inner wisdom, and to help you reactivate and turn yourself ON! To be turned on by your self - yes! To fall in love with you again and again, and to lean into the feel goods of your gorgeous essence.
SoulScape Wellness's mission is to enhance the overall quality of ones life from its root foundation being that of love. Together, we will explore what your life is desiring of you, and how to help you lead your life fully on your own terms.
You are who you have been waiting for!

Contact Me
Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm
Saturday: 8am - 10pm
Sunday: 8am - 11pm

"Carly touches every soul she comes into contact with. I first met Carly at Salt Lake Power Yoga. It was such an honor to be one of her students. Every single word that came out of her mouth during class was spoken with absolute authenticity, power, and purpose. She held the energy of the room like it was her child. Since then, I have had the pleasure of spending time with Carly outside of the yoga studio and I am continually blown away by her capacity to hold space for others and fill their cup with love, compassion, and understanding. I have never met another woman like Carly. She is truly one of a kind."
“I have experienced lots of restorative yoga, and meditative self work with Carly as a guide. Her skills and presence are on point and amazing! Would love for any of my friends to take a class, or otherwise work with Carly.”
“I feel fortunate to have a life filled with wonderful people. Sometimes I cross paths with someone who is truly a soul of divinity. That is how it feels to be with Carly. She is raw, real, honest and admiringly wholesome. Being in her light whether in conversation, or when she is leading a yoga practice is good medicine! I always feel as though Life’s burdens have been shaken free and lifted from my shoulders. I remember my strength, gather my courage, and continue to journey through my path with more light."
"Carly is an incredible facilitator and space holder for healing. I could feel her deep level of genuine care and interest when working with her. It made it so easy to open up, be vulnerable, seen, and understood even while looking at the most difficult parts of myself. She strikes that beautiful balance of being someone who can challenge you while maintaining that nurturing soft place to land that we truly crave in the people around us. She is truly a treasure of a human and helped me see that I am too!"
Carly has incredible energy and capacity to hold space and brings that into all her sessions. She takes the time to listen, understand, and meet you where you are then offer tools to further explore, reflect and/or apply. I take much of what I gain from Carly’s facilitations into my daily life including the grounding feeling I am generally encompassed in when in her presence. Carly has so much wisdom and compassion and I appreciate the way she shares her passions and skills with me and others.
J, Solopreneur